
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Short locksmith story

Summer Time in Nova Scotia

Great Days.  Great busy days.
I'm awake from the heat or the sounds of the rain or the songs of the birds at 6:20am.
Wife is already off to work.  The kids are still alseep.
Boil the water and grind the coffee beans.
I don't know it but the day will take me to two locksmith jobs; an office drill out and a residential house pick.  I'll also be feeding my family three meals, doing two loads of laundry and driving my eldest to/from drama camp.
I had an hour to pause between 2-3 and I  went to the government wharf to watch the squid fishermen.  I counted 7 lines in the water but didn't see any bites.  The waves were small and I could smell salt humidity thick in the air.  Standing at the shore was a man I struck up a conversation with.  We played the age guessing game and he turned out to be 87.  Sporting a WW2 vet baseball cap, I learnt about his time overseas.  He returned to father 11 children.  The mother passed away recently.  The war was over for him, but I said that the weapons factories haven't stopped producing...
Oh My!  I've got to get ready for the beach, but first the lawn, or lunch, or a jog, or the dog, and the lawn, locks!?! Quick two calls.  The cell phone and my home phone at the same time.
Need to meditate, just breathe.
But it's over 30 degrees in the shade. HOT!
Oh, cancel one of the locksmith call outs.  She won't pay the $100.  The price of gas these days, and the price of the tools and the schooling and training.  don't think about the tax and cost of living.  Oh and the fact that it is an emergency and she called me!
Whatever. It is what it is.

Oh and the other call-out has cancelled now too.  I guess another key showed up so they don't need me.  Wait 5, someone will call.

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